Pebble Assist

A small collection of C macros that make developing Pebble apps a little simpler.

Pebble Assist

Pebble Assist is a small collection of C macros that make developing Pebble apps a little simpler.


Download the contents of this repository, or clone it as a submodule or subtree. I recommend having a libs subfolder in your Pebble app's src folder.

Include pebble-assist.h in your source code.

#include "libs/pebble-assist/pebble-assist.h"



Shorthand wrappers for using APP_LOG with the various levels of logs.

// Create a new DEBUG log message. Similar functions exist for INFO, WARN and ERROR.
DEBUG("Here is a logging message of value %d", 5);

Layer Helpers

There are a number of macros for creating layers, and the various subtypes of layers. Below are some examples, check out the source code for the full list.

// Creates a new layer that is the size of the window, and adds it to the window. 
// Similarly named functions exist for all layer types.
Layer* layer = layer_create_fullscreen(window);
layer_add_to_window(layer, window);
// The menu layer version of this function also handles assigning the click handlers.
menu_layer_add_to_window(menu, window);
// Prevent crashes caused by attempting to destroy an already destroyed layer, 
// the `*_destroy_safe()` functions wrap destroy in a NULL check.
// Show a hidden layer.
// Hide a layer.

Persistent Helpers

Check that a persistent key exists before reading it, and returning a default value if it doesn't.

// If KEY_NUMBER exists, return the value stored there, otherwise return -1
int number = persist_read_int_safe(KEY_NUMBER, -1);


// Checks that data is not NULL before attempting to free.
// Checks that the app timer exists before attempting to cancel.
// Opens the app message with the maximum inbox and outbox size.